Brno Zoo / Зоопарк Брно

Brno Zoo / Зоопарк Брно

Zoo Brno

Brno, Czech Republic / Брно, Чехия

Now it's a home for: / Сейчас это дом для:
Rosa, Chogori, and Muztau

I find the Muztau’s page attaching a Kacha Kulios’ photo. In this picture the manul is as old as Rosa at the same time. Is he really Muztau? In my first glance, he looks very like Namika so that I doubt he is Chogori. After some discussions we think he is Manu, Namika’s grandfather, especially when we compared it with a photo posted on trapadvisor in 2017.

Am I right? :thinking:

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Hey, thank you for raising this!

First of all I must say that the website is designed the way that a person who uploads photos states who’s on the photo :slight_smile: We have a mechanism which allows anyone propose their on identification if they are not agree with what author stated and, we have a mechanism to vote for variants (upvote if you agree and downvote if you think that manul was identified not correctly). Right now it’s turned off but I hope I’ll make it work soon :slight_smile:

I read the discussion you had and kinda couldn’t find any solid proofs… but anyways it’s worth checking.

We believe that this photo of Manu.
I found this photo Zoo Brno posted in 2014 and dots match with manul’s on Kacha’s photo. In 2014 in Brno Zoo were only Rosa and Manu. Since it’s not Rosa because Linmei took a photo of Rosa with Namika and dots don’t match.

I’ll link this photo to Manu now :slight_smile:

I hope we will lunch this identification system soon and the whole process will be more… interactive and fun and anyone will be able to participate :slight_smile:


That’s so great! Thanks to all photographers’ contribution, we can compare and identify these round furry rock. :heart:
Looking forward to this identification system. :pray:


Thank you for raising it!
Your skills in manul identification is great!
It’d be great if we could combine our efforts :slight_smile: