Bohus of Budapest. Then I saw him here on his personal page first time, I’ve got the crush. Hope I’ll meet him sometime
Бохуш очень красивый манул!
Bohus is so beautiful! I wish I could have seen him and Borsika while they were together
Ооо! Боршо была такой необычной и прекрасной! Я влюбилась в неё с первого взгляда!
Было очень забавно наблюдать за их отношениями: Боршика любила одна спать в верхнем домике и не пускала Бохуша, хотя ему этот домик тоже явно нравился. Она корчила рожицы, поэтому Бохушу приходилось смириться и идти спать на крышу Они были классной парочкой!
I keep coming back to Nar – he’s so charming and charismatic!
Has anyone here seen the Japanese zoos in person?
Мы с Ромой были во всех зоопарках в Японии, где есть манулы на сегодняшний день: Tokyo Ueno zoo, Kobe Animal Kingdom, Nasu Animal Kingdom, Kodе Oji zoo, Higashiyama Zoo, Asahiyama Zoo и Saitama Children zoo.
That’s fantastic! And every time they have kittens you have a great reason to go back Did you visit them all in one go or did you take several separate trips?
We visited all of them on a single trip. It took us 30 days. Was super intense. Next time we wish to spend some time exploring the country itself because we haven’t seen anything except zoos and Shinkansen trains :))
I’m imagining you guys at Japanese customs…
“What is the purpose of your visit?”
“Where will you be staying?”
starts listing zoos
I live in Japan and I’ve visited all the zoos with manuls
Of course, I’ve met Nar
He was a thin young boy soon after he came to Kobe Animal Kingdom, but now he’s become a big fluffy daddy
It was something like that yea
И все наши любимые Новосибирские манульчики.
They’re very spread-out along Japan, aren’t they? I don’t think I have the stamina to visit them all at once like you, it must be so tiring! (But I bet they’re still easier for me to get to than the zoos in Kent, UK!)