do you guys have a favourite manul?
mine is Polly, I hope I can see her irl some day
Princessa and Shu, but also Polly, Lev, the Nordensark minuls, and Mimi is very good too. But really I love all of the round floofers <3
I hope you can see Polly someday too
zelenogorsk! he is my absolute favorite handsome floof! alas he lives very far from me so i doubt i will ever get to see him in person.
Timofey, eva, mei, oto… It’s hard to choose because they’re all so adorable!!!
It’s very difficult to choose a favourite because they’re all so wonderful!
I definitely have a soft spot for Nar, Az and their kittens though. And Figa and Abrikos. And Bol. But I’ve never seen a manul I didn’t love!
Gotta be either Dunzi or Eve. It’s always hard to choose but everyone will always have a favourite!
the kittens are oh-so sweet
I love the specie manul itself, but especially I adore Bor, Iris, Nar, Az&Nar’s kids And Az feels like my soul sister
I love and respect Tabby; Polly and Lotus often makes me laugh
I have so much love and respect for Tabby! To have lived so long and given us so many beautiful cats… she is a treasure
Yes, exactly
I forgot to name Dunzi in my response, too!
I really hope we have another good kitten season this spring. Lots more manuls to love <3
It has to be Grusha… I also love Fiega and Abricos, but Grusha is just too impressive.
Oh, that’s a good question! Baby Shu and his parents are adorable, but it’s so hard to choose. I love them all! Hopefully, someday, you will get to see her! I love Polly, too.
I love the Grusha, too! He’s so cute! I love how the Fiega and Abricos both sleep flat on their backs. Too funny! They’re adorable, too!
Oooh, my favourites are Loesje’s daughters! Love them so much! They are really strong northern Goddesses. The girls won their battle with very difficult desease. Also minuls (why minuls, now adult magnificent ladycats!) are very-very beautiful
Have they been named yet? If not, I hope they get names that reflect your comment. It’d fit their story so much!
They haven’t got names still ((( I really hope they will be Brunhilda and Freya:heart: Northern Goddesses
dude Lev is my goat. i also fw Iris and Bataar. shoutout birmingham zoo
My favourite manuls are Zelenogorsk, Karaganda and… Bol I also especially love Pazzo
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