Manul figures on Hero Forge


It looks like Hero Forge have added manuls to their catalogue of miniatures! For those who don’t know, Hero Forge is a website where you can create and customise miniature figures for use in tabletop games – mostly they’re used for Dungeons & Dragons games. You can select the materials, bases, decorations and paint colours, and change the pose of your figure.

They’re quite expensive because each design is manufactured separately and posted to customers, but I thought I’d try it out because manuls must be promoted!

This is what I ordered, although it cost about £48 ($60) in total and it’s going to take four weeks to arrive!

I only learned later that you can add up to three manuls on a single base, so if it looks like a good product when I finally get my hands on it, I’ll have to experiment more!

If you try it out (go here and click on ‘Species’ to find the manul), then please post a screenshot so I can see what you came up with!


Oh wow that looks incredible! And they paint it for you too!? The miniatures I’m familiar with you have to paint yourself and I’m always terrible at it.


Yes, you can customise the colour scheme and they’ll paint it, or you can order them unpainted and try it yourself! :art:


That’s so cool! You can highly customise it and even pick a pose… Ohh… I wish they had “paws on a tail” pose to pick :slight_smile:


My manul model arrived! Although I’m delighted by all manul merchandise, I’m quite surprised by how small this figurine is…

It’s so small I can barely take a photo of it, and the yellow paint isn’t even visible on its eyes.

Of course these manuls are supposed to be accessories that you put at the feet of your heroic character rather than the focus, so it’s understandable that they’d make them very small. Still, they cost quite a lot of money so I can’t fully recommend them.

Maybe the screenshots are better merchandise than the figurines themselves!


Thank you for your honest review! It’s a pity that it didn’t turn out as expected! That model is indeed a bit small for the price… :pleading_face: If it were a bit bigger, I’d love to have one nearby while I’m working!
Edit: It’s still super fluffy and cute as manul should be, though!


Возможно для настольной игры фигурка и должна быть маленькой. :thinking:
Но как сувенир по-моему совершенно не годится. Для нормальной детализации она должна быть хотя бы в 2-3 раза больше.


Карманный вариант :smile:


I’d add some colors to this figurine to make it even better :slight_smile: Like blacks to the tails and lines to the face :slight_smile:


Thank you for sharing it! :slight_smile: