Prospect Park Zoo / Зоопарк Проспект-парка


Prospect Park Zoo / Зоопарк Проспект-парка

Prospect Park Zoo

Brooklyn, United States / Бруклин, Соединённые Штаты Америки

Now it's a home for: / Сейчас это дом для:
Sarnai and Batu

An important note when visiting Prospect Park Zoo - in the summer it gets hot in Brooklyn, and since the Manuls are in an outdoor enclosure, they may not be viewable at higher temperatures. I’ve been told that they won’t be in the public enclosure above 80 degrees Fahrenheit.


Do they have some indoor air-conditioned enclosure? We saw this in Saitama Children Zoo in Japan, they have there an outdoor enclosure and an indoor one but both of them are available to the public. In summer the indoor one is air-conditioned and manuls prefer to stay there even if door to the outdoor enclosure is open :slight_smile:


I was there back in September and as far as I could tell the indoor area wasn’t visible by the public. (Which was extremely sad because it was raining and therefore I didn’t get to see any manuls. :sob:)

:smiling_face_with_tear: Same experience here. I went there in August.

It happens sometimes with manuls :slight_smile: Don’t be upset! You’ll see a manul next time!