Saitama Children's Zoo / Детский зоопарк Сайтама
Saitama, Japan / Сайтама, Япония
Saitama, Japan / Сайтама, Япония
Unfortunately Tabby has passed away yesterday. She was 16 years old… which I believe was the oldest manul in captivity. She was the ascendant of so many of the manuls around the world… without her we would be without so many of them… this is so sad… thank you Tabby <\3
Oh no! I’m devastated but at the same time what a wonderful manul life she had! She was a lucky girl and we were lucky to have had her!!!
I’m legitimately devastated… Thank you for everything, Empress Tabby
Great and lovely Tabby
I could meet her just once in April, 2022.
She walked on the “Manul Rock” actively
I miss her very much, but she had a long and happy manul life
And the Tabby Dynasty goes on
The passing of Tabby is very sad news, she was an icon of the manul world. I’m sending my condolences to her keepers, who took so much care of her. I’ve watched this video of her enclosure just a few days ago. Anti-slip mats, small stairs to help her move and additional things to make it easier for her grooming - the dedication of the zoo staff was truly amazing. May Empress Tabby have never ending sources of pika over the rainbow bridge
Такая грустная новость…
Мы приносим свои соболезнования сотрудникам Saitama Children’s Zoo, которые трепетно заботились о Табби, всем мануломанам в мире и особенно её преданным почитателям в Японии. Грустим вместе с вами.
Благодарим Табби за её большое бесценное пушистое наследие! Теперь она будет жить в своих детях и внуках
Табби, спасибо тебе! Мы будем помнить о тебе, Королева!
Маеко, спасибо, что поделились своей фотографией Табби!
Когда мы были в зоопарке Сайтамы, Табби уже жила на заднем дворе, но иногда нам удавалось увидеть её пушистый бочок! Мы этому очень радовались!
Как здорово, что мы все знали этого Прекрасного Манула!
Oh Tabby!
I never got to meet her, but it seems that even in her old age she retained her wonderful attitude. Thank you for that video, @mikesierra, and that fantastic photo, @maeko_manul! I’m glad she lived such a long and happy life!
Thank you for sharing the video! I watch it for the first time.
I guess this is the video that a visitor can watch from the QR Code at the front of the manul enclosure. (That’s why the movie is not open to public)
Yes, what a lovely video, thank you so much for sharing!! It really illustrates how loved lovely Tabby was. I’m so grateful, not just to her keepers, but to all the zookeepers around the world for taking such amazing care of these special, precious floofs!!
You’re all welcome - I think her keepers’ dedication should be shown to the world. And you’re right about the QR code - I got the link from an acquaintance from Japan
Мы добавим на сайт ссылку на это видео на странице Табби
Есть ли вероятность, что вместе с Бором в Насу отправили Шар, а потом вернули обратно в Сайтаму?
upd: добавили об этом инфу на страницу Шар.
Thank you so much for sharing this video. All the updates I usually saw were pictures of her sunbathing, published by the zoo’s accounts… It was great to see our Empress hopping around and walking around her special enclosure